Deer_logo Wojtek Szczawiński

Software Developer

The dynamic nature of software engineering continually challenges and motivates me to enhance my skills. My journey began with a focus on frontend development, allowing my passion for creating engaging user interfaces to thrive. Now, I'm eager to broaden my expertise by delving into backend development. This strategic move aims to augment my skill set and bring a more comprehensive understanding of web development to my repertoire.

Tech Stack

My approach to learning is rooted in thorough exploration, involving reading of documentation, tutorials, and hands-on engagement through real project development. The pursuit of creating increasingly intricate solutions propels me to delve into a diverse array of technologies, fostering a dynamic and ever-evolving learning journey.

javascript-icon JavaScript react-icon React.js gatsby-icon Gatsby.js jest-icon Jest webpack-icon Webpack typescript-icon TypeScript git-icon Git bash-icon Bash ssh-icon SSH
python-icon Python jupyter-icon Jupyter octave-icon Octave

My Recent Projects

I am excited to share a glimpse of several projects that I have recently been involved in. These endeavors showcase a blend of collaborative team efforts and individual initiatives, allowing me to continually enhance my programming skills. The latest projects have been pinned on my GitHub dashboard, offering convenient access for exploration.



A weather application that presents only the most necessary information. Based on React Native with TypeScript, Expo and React Query.



Team project - web application based on Gatsby for Polish Passivhaus Institute which allows them to show up-to-date information and sell products.



Single page website which will be a portfolio for a language school, project based on static solutions, configured with Webpack.



Web3 application based on React and Solidity - connect Metamask wallet, send transactions on Ethereum (Rinkeby) testnet.

Picture Search


The main function of this React based simple PWA is to search for beautiful pictures. The aplication is fetching Unsplash native API.

Bearing Analysis


Python and Jupyter based analysis of the plain bearings measurements results using data science methods.